Thursday, December 17, 2009

School of Social Science and Humanities 10th Anniversary Celebration (Day 2)

Note: This will be an event post. If you have not read the post on Day 1, please do so here. :)

Day two of the SSH 10th Anniversary got me started of with a talk by Mr. Lim Chee Chiaw from 95% Academy. A talk on 'Inspiring Ideas On Advertising' which is mainly on how advertising can be different to attract the public's attention.

Inspiring Ideas On Advertising

Mr. Lim Chee Chiaw
Mr. Lim Chee Chiaw

Here we get to see various advertisements which are out of the ordinary. Just to name some, there was this ad for a Adidas Billboard, which has two actually people hanging from the billboard playing soccer! This ad was in Tokyo, Japan. View the ad here (via YouTube): Vertical Soccer

'Nothing is interesting if you are not interested' -Halen Maclnness

You all remember the Simpsons Movie right? Well, to advertise and promote the show, the had actaully converted several 7-Eleven stores into the actual Kwik-E-Mart which is in the Simpsons Movie, Selling actualy Kwik-E-Mart item! Don't believe it? Watch it here (via YouTube): Kwik-E-Mart

Interesting ain't it?

At noon, there was a fashion show at the Canteen 2 foyer. Scheduled to start at 12.30pm, I rushed there after my presentation in class and just managed to snap the last few models. Sad. It was scheduled to run for an hour but it finished in 15 - 20 minutes!

ssh turns 10 fashion show 1
Model & Designer

ssh turns 10 fashion show 2
Love the details on this one.

ssh turns 10 fashion show 3
A wedding suit and gown?

ssh turns 10 fashion show 4
The other models

ssh turns 10 fashion show 5
A center shot

ssh turns 10 fashion show 6
And a group pic

Too bad I missed out on the whole fashion show.

That's about it for day two. There was a soft launch to rebrand SSH at 10am and a sharing session by Director Chu later that evening which I did not attend.

More in Day 3! Mr. and Miss Tourism!

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