Technology and ideas in social media has advance greatly in the world. Starting from ICQ, then we moved on to MSN which is now called Windows Live and the latest social media advancement today, we have Twitter!
Little did we know that chatboxes still remained as chatboxes. Or is that all true? I guess the chatbox in Nuffnang's Innit is not a chatbox afterall. Well, to give it credit, it used to be a chatbox until this recent time when everything changed...
Bloggers started to ask for nangs profusely from everyone and anyone in hopes of getting into the Top 10 Popular Posts which then leads to more traffic to their blog. That's what I assume is in everybody's plan.
If Nuffnang would allow me, I will try to explain the concept of having Innit available to bloggers. Nuffnang admins, correct me if I'm wrong. I shall start my brief explanation now.
Innit is a platform established to help new and current bloggers to have a head start in their blogging life/hobby/etc. Thus, the option for us to post our latest blog entries into Innit is made possible, which will then be published for others to read if they are interested. By just posting up entries might not be too exciting, that is why Innit has this Top 10 Popular Post in Innit in hopes of finding the best 10 blog posts to be published for at least 24 hours.
How do you get to the Top 10 list? Every time you upload your latest blog post into Innit, there will be a 'Nang It' and 'Dang It' button. These buttons are available for fellow blogger readers to vote whether they actually like (nang) your blog post and thinks that it is well written and has quality or whether they dislike (dang) your blog post. With a well written blog post, you can collect enough nangs and you'll find your blog post in the Top 10 in no time.
One of Nuffnang's goals is also to unite all bloggers together. That is why a chatbox is put in Innit. A chatbox being a chatbox, is for us to not only chat but also make new friends and of course get to know new bloggers as well.
Having done describing Innit. Now let's take a look at what's happening right now.
Like what I said, bloggers are asking for nangs 24/7 in the chatbox. Blog posts with quality or no quality, everything is getting nanged no matter what. Currently nangs are exchanged more than earned. The system has changed, now, it is a race to see who gets the most nangs the quickest so that they can get to the Top 10 faster.
Now I have to admit that I myself have asked for nangs but it is coming to see that this is getting out of hand. Something needs to be done. Well written blog posts are getting lesser these days.
It is good too see that the amount of Nuffnang bloggers are increasing but the new bloggers need to be taught the correct way of blogging too. I know, up to a certain level, you have freedom to blog about anything but there is always an etiquette to consider too.
I know it is a very delightful feeling of getting high traffic into your blog but is getting high traffic that good if all of them came from people who just 'blogwalk' without actually reading your blogpost? Or do you just want them to click on your ads? Blogging was never about generating money when blogging first existed. I still remember the first time I blogged in Xanga during my early secondary school days. Telling stories of how school went and puppy love messages.
Techonology changes with time and so does the purpose of blogging. I'm not saying that blogging has changed completely but it has evoled and advanced itself to a new level. This time around, advertising is introduced into the world of blogs. When there is advertising, there sure will be money and cash equivalent involved. However, this reason (to generate money from blogging) should never be the case for us bloggers start or continue on blogging.
I myself have tried getting traffic into my blog too and of course trying very hard to get that traffic to generate money for me but sad to say, it has never ever worked for me this way. I guess the wrong way will never work. Recently, I have started a new blog with a new theme. A comic blog to be precised and I have noticed that I slowly start to gain readership with my blog. My blog entries start to get comments and I start to get happy.
Have readership is much more worth is than having traffic. Traffic might come and go due to reasons of new roads (new blogs) but readership stays with you. When you have that quality, you will get return visits.
To tell you the truth, I'm still not very pleased with my blog's traffic, that is why what I'm doing now is to try to have good blog posts and also to update regularly. That's what reader wants these days. If you have good blog posts and update regularly, I'm sure you will get what you want in blogging.
Let's keep blogging fun shall we?
Shall I send a note to Nuffnang?
Well, if the problem above still persists, I recommened that the chatbox to be removed as it already does not serve its purpose anymore.
I honestly think the Innit should be revamped to be better. The idea of having the Top10 posts is very good indeed but the process of getting there isn't very well planned out.
Nang to like the blog post and Dang if you dislike it. Correct? We are aware that everytime new blog posts are posted up into Innit, the blog post before will be pushed down. Some time on, the wil be moved to another page. Then another and another, too far until we are not willing to search for it in the back pages. The truth is, though you can click on 'older>' to get to the older posts but I'm am sure not many does that.
Since the amount of bloggers Nuffnang has now has increased by the folds (118,817 Bloggers on the entire Nuffnang network. WOW!). Innit users have too. So if an amount of bloggers upload their posts to Innit all at once, then it will all be pushed to the back pages. Thus, chances of other bloggers coming to Innit let's say a couple of hours later, won't be able to read the posts. Thus, unable to Nang or Dang.
Will it be possible for the layout of Innit to be changed? At least something that makes posts easily accessible to bloggers although it's posted some time ago.
Just hoping to help.
Now bloggers, do you agree? What's you thoughts on this matter?