Thursday, May 31, 2012

Love Rain Ended Perfectly

Ha Na and Seo Joon in Love Rain Episode 20 (YoonA and Jang Keun Suk)
A love story which comes from the heart...Love Rain finally ended on May 29, 2012 with what I think was the perfect ending for a romance drama series.

Hana, dul, set...
Two strangers crossed paths
and then from then onwards the journey began

This is a story of Ha Na and Seo Joon
Two very different personalities
who met and fell in love

The first four episodes which was set in the 1970s caught my heart and I've continued on watching the drama series right till its final episode.

In my opinion, this was one of the best romance drama series ever written. A great concept with a great storyline. The actors really deserve credit for bringing the characters to life throughout the whole series.

And yes, the finale was just what I wanted it to be. A happy ending.

So do believe
that fairlytales exist
some where out there;

Believe in the magic of Diamond Snow

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