We would like to extend you our heartiest thanks for informing us of this toilet. You can be sure that we will keep a lookout for this establishment.
We sincerely hope that by you doing so, it will increase the chance that there will be an increase in the arousal level of an increased number of our (legal/illegal) immigrants (Indons, Banglas, Nepalese, etc.) and local men . Some of whom happens to live, work or lepak near the vicinities where our sisters, daughters, nieces, wives, girlfriends and other female relatives & acquaintances also happens to live, work, lepak, play or go to school.
I know that what you were presenting was not even soft porn, but sexy is sex and sex is sexy!
And like they say, "sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit." Or in some of our cases, "sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi GUNUNG BERAPI!" If you catch my meaning....
They also say that, "if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem."
Thank you for being part of the solution to the problem of not having enough sexy women in the media and in the public to titillate and arouse our immigrant and local men from our streets and from our daughter's neighborhood.
Again, thanks a bunch.
Yours sincerely,
Bambang, Acquisitions Committee, NAILMEN, National Association of Immigrant and Local Men.
If I were a boy/men.
I will pecahkan the cermin that cover the pictures and koyakkan semua gambar2 tu dgn perasaan bengang.
wakaka XD
rootz club. correct?
Why don't you shoot on those walls? xD
hahaa where is it?
hai yoh~ sup sup sui lahh~
overseas got Naked babes pics in their TOILET ...kakaka~
what to do ... muslim country mah kakaka~
rootz club @ lot 10 :)
Zala Wajik:
now that's scary. why would you want to do that?
yupe! clubbing kaki lah you. XD
Tony Wan:
shoot at in my camera right?
FFX Madman:
Rootz Club, Lot 10 :D
Alpha Ace:
really? you been into one?
fuah, another clubbing kaki!
hey ! tat's nice..kakakak..whr's tat?
Interesting...haha...then u oso clubbing kaki la! =)
I bet they have to clean the walls often...lOL!
hahaha! i agree! i think the cleaners have to scrub the walls often. rofllollmao!
did u do something in the toilet then?hehe...
Ohhh i know the answer ady :P Rootz club hahaha! i saw the answer! :P
Dear blogger,
We would like to extend you our heartiest thanks for informing us of this toilet. You can be sure that we will keep a lookout for this establishment.
We sincerely hope that by you doing so, it will increase the chance that there will be an increase in the arousal level of an increased number of our (legal/illegal) immigrants (Indons, Banglas, Nepalese, etc.) and local men . Some of whom happens to live, work or lepak near the vicinities where our sisters, daughters, nieces, wives, girlfriends and other female relatives & acquaintances also happens to live, work, lepak, play or go to school.
I know that what you were presenting was not even soft porn, but sexy is sex and sex is sexy!
And like they say, "sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit." Or in some of our cases, "sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi GUNUNG BERAPI!" If you catch my meaning....
They also say that, "if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem."
Thank you for being part of the solution to the problem of not having enough sexy women in the media and in the public to titillate and arouse our immigrant and local men from our streets and from our daughter's neighborhood.
Again, thanks a bunch.
Yours sincerely,
Acquisitions Committee,
National Association of Immigrant and Local Men.
Rootz Club, Lot 10 :D
~Live Life~:
haha! I'm not clubbing kaki la. Nobody wanna take me go clubbing. LOL!
von Yvonne:
haha! poor cleaners then.
yeah, i did actually.
i pee-ed. LOL!
wen pink:
XD smart!
er, you are welcomed i guess. XD
how come i missed this.. lol..
sexy! =P
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